Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Graves, Lisa - Corporations Politics ALEC - 12.01.26
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
More on ALEC's back door policies- voting as equals with elected legislators to pass ALEC legislation; government approval of drugs & products absolves corporations of liability for any damage.
Lisa Graves is the Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy, the publisher of PR Watch, SourceWatch, & BanksterUSA. Lisa has testified as an expert witness before both the Senate & House and has frequently appeared as an expert across the different radio & television networks. The Center for Media and Democracy recently obtained documents outlining about 800 bills, vetted & approved by major corporations along with Republican officials, who comprise the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC. It has been discovered that these bills are designed to rewrite state laws & target just about every area of American life – education, union and worker rights, civil liberties, corporate oversight, health care, utilities, taxation – all which favor greater independence for the corporate regime and their domination over the privatization of people’s lives. Read some of the more outrageous ALEC sponsored legislation @ www.alecexposed.org